This series on “Necrotizing Enterocolitis” is edited by Dr. Josef Neu, University of Florida, Gainsville, Florida, USA. The main purpose of this series is to provide an overview of what is currently termed “Necrotizing Enterocolitis” or “NEC”. Historical aspects, current understanding, and future pathways for better clarifying, predicting, preventing, diagnosing, and treating various forms of intestinal injury and dysfunction which is currently called “NEC” in the neonate will be discussed.
Necrotizing enterocolitis: an editorial
Introduction and historical aspects and where may we be going in the future: getting rid of necrotizing enterocolitis
Necrotizing enterocolitis in a Chinese perspective: a narrative review
The leaky gut: a narrative review on the role of epithelial cell permeability in necrotizing enterocolitis
The series “Necrotizing Enterocolitis” was commissioned by the editorial office, Pediatric Medicine without any sponsorship or funding. Dr Josef Neu served as the unpaid Guest Editor for the series.